Tag Archives: Pushups

P90Hybrid: Round 3 – Cardio Intervals Variation + ARX

7 Jan

For the past 3 Fridays, I’ve completed Chest & Back (even though I did not blog it).  Last week I did a total of 316 push-ups and planned to up the ante this morning.  But when I crawled out of bed, I felt my energy sapped.  Aaron was supposed to join me at 5am but at 5:02 I got a text saying he overslept.  He arrived only a few minutes later but he arrived late enough that it meant we had less than 1hour and 10 minutes to get our workout in.  I quickly (and probably too willingly) abandoned thoughts of doing Chest & Back (I wasn’t feeling it).  We started out Ab Ripper X, as usual.  During ARX, I was trying to decide what to do for the main portion of our workout.  I’ve really been missing Plyometrics and a lot of the cardio I had been doing, so I forgot, for a moment, that I have a blown-out knee and chose Cardio Intervals.  I have to admit, I’ve always done Cardio Intervals (CI) by myself and liked it as a workout.  But it has some goofy moves.  Doing CI with a workout buddy was kind of awkward.  Also–for future reference–when you have a shredded up knee, any workout with “Cardio” in the name is probably one that should be shelved.  I did my best and tried to be smart.  Any move that involved lateral movement or any twisting I sat out.  Instead, I used that time to punch my heavy bag, do push-ups, or do calf-raises.   (I got some really good Everlast gloves for Christmas and they are really fun to use!).

At the end, I think we were both feeling like we had not pushed it enough.  Aaron suggested that we take turns doing a 2-minute round on the bag ( a great cardio workout) while the other did max push-ups.  I wasn’t sure what i had left for push-ups as I had already done two sets of regular push-ups and a set of Pike presses.  I managed 85 push-ups in two minutes and that was a great way to end the workout!  In total, I probably did about 150 push-ups total, so it wasn’t like I sat out today…but it was a long way from the 350 push-ups that I was planning to go after.



Ranger’s Report: Day 71 (Week 11, Day 1)-Chest and Back + Ab Ripper X

20 Aug

Chest and Back-“The mother of all P90X workouts” that’s according to Tony. Of course Plyometrics  is the mother of all P90X workouts, and Back and Biceps too, also according to Tony. I have to admit though, I think it’s Chest and Back. This is the workout that made me puke on day 1. I have yet to puke again, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t want to. My pushups are getting better, Standard pushups I pumped out 35 round 1, and did 3o on round 2. Wide Fly’s I did 35 and 30. I increased on the others too, but those were the most significant I thought. The only thing that I still struggle with is the Dive Bomber’s. I don’t know if it’s because those are done at the end and my energy is all but gone, or if it’s mental. They seem like they should be easier, but I find them just as hard. Pull ups, as has been the story are still a problem. I swallowed my pride and used the chair as much as I needed it instead of hanging there pulling and pulling and not getting anywhere.

I’ve been ripping through ab ripper the last week or so. It’s not easy but everything has become much more doable. Fifer Scissors still the only exercise I have to take a quick break on. Everything else I can get through without  breaks. It still takes quite a bit of effort, but that’s part of the whole program.

I was looking at the calendar today all that is left is, this week, next, and then 1 last recovery week, and I will have officially conquered P90X, and David will have officially conquered his 2nd round of it. I don’t know if I should use the term “conquered” more like I withstood 90 days of it. I wish there was a certificate or a trophy or something, but I guess my trophy is my newfound fitness.

Ranger’s Report:Day 55 (Week 9, Day 1)- Chest and Back + Ab Ripper X

6 Aug

I was excited to do this workout yesterday, and a little nervous. I know nervous sounds a  little funny, but keeping in mind that I puked the first time I did it, changes that a little. I was pleased. I pushed myself as hard as I could, and could tell that I’ve definitely gotten stronger since the last time I did it. My pushup maximum increased big time. I could do between 5-10 more on each exercise than the last phase. By the end of the workout that’s quite a few pushups! Pullups, I still struggle with, but I’m able to do more of each. I can do about 3 unassisted of the close grip, chin up, and wide front pullups. After three, I have to start using a chair. Three is a whole lot more though then where I started at.

Ab ripper X. The first day of Ab ripper is always hard for me, especially coming out of a recovery week. I pushed again, and started strong, by end though I fizzled out. I’m hoping that Sunday’s ab ripper will be stronger. Overall I feel it was a great workout. I was pleased with my progress and performance. Gotta’ keep it up! 35 more days!